How We Work - Rcspl Canada Inc
Every potential client comes to us with an idea or their problems in mind. But in order to be efficient in making that idea into reality or providing innovative solutions to the client, we’re constantly refining our processes. We think it’s important for us to be clear with you about how we work, so we are all on the same page, working together productively.
We deliver business and technology transformation from start to finish, leveraging various methodologies, industry best practices, proven customer collaboration frameworks, engineering excellence tools and hybrid teams. We work on a wide variety of projects; we know each project will be different so we approach each project with an open mind.
Here is how we work with you to get your project from stage A to stage B:
- You fill the inquire form
- The sales team calls or emails you
- High level understanding of requirements
- Ballpark estimate (where possible)
- Approval to go ahead
- Detailed understanding of your requirements
- Execute a pilot project (if required)
- Confirm pricing
- Proposal where required
- Contracting & SLA sign-off
- Resource deployment & Training
- Project kick-off meeting
- Project execution & management
- On-going reporting & feedback
Let’s talk. To get your project underway, simply contact us and an expert will get in touch with you as soon as possible .
Let’s work together on your next project. 🎈
Call to action (CTA) is a marketing term for any device designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale.